Monday, March 12, 2018

God is Love

In a world of fear and terror, where right is wrong and wrong is right, where is the evidence God is love?

Many verses throughout the Bible tell us God loves us and that his love is perfect. Greater than most of us can realize. 1 John 4:8 and 1 John 4:16 tells us “God is love.” What evidence do we have that he does?

God made us in his likeness and gave us dominion

In Genesis 1 we read of the creation. Day and night, the air, land, seas, and vegetation, the sun, moon, and stars, birds and sea creatures, and animals and insects. After looking over his creation and seeing “that it was good,” (Genesis 1:25) he created man “in his own image,” (Genesis 1:27) to “have dominion, over all the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)

Because of this great love, he made us and gave us dominion over the earth. Not to oppress, but to serve those in need through help and relief. To complement and use the name of your waitress, your cashier. To pray for your coworkers and celebrate their milestones with them. (you don't have to be any more involved than a congratulation or a card) To pray for and teach your children about God. (Reading stories from the Bible. Listening to and singing songs of worship) To follow the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

God helps us become more like him

God teaches us humility through opposition. Opposition shows us God's love and teaches us humility. Throughout the Bible, we read about opposition and its influence to humble and to mold us. As God's children, he wants us to return to him. Without humility, we can't.

There are many stories in the Bible of opposition. One of my favorites is in the Book of Job. He lost everything and still continued to praise God. “Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21)

God gave us his son

Jesus is the perfect example of God's love. Jesus walked among men to show us the path we need to follow to gain eternal exaltation and return to our father in heaven. God showed his perfect love when he allowed the atonement to take place.

The death of a child is difficult to survive. Yet God allowed Jesus to carry out his earthly mission so we could be free of our sins if we only have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of our sins.

Through the scriptures, the prophets tell us of the life of Jesus. We can read what they wrote and follow Jesus' example, be faithful, and live like him. Most of all, we must love each other as he and his father, God, love us.

We are the evidence God is love. He made us in his likeness to share that love. Today I challenge you to share that love.

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